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Part 9: Presidential Threshold Removal: “The Rise of Senators”

Presidential Threshold Removal – Part 9
“The Rise of Senators”

by A. Irmanputra Sidin PhD in Constitutional Law/ Constitutional Lawyer

In the “Presidential Threshold Removal (Part 8) , The Toll-Free Route for Gibran Rakabuming Raka”, I pointed out that Gibran Rakabuming Raka is one of the most potential persons to be Presidential Candidates as long as nothing happen during his presidency. Clearly, besides  Gibran Rakabuming Raka, there are numerous figures who will meet the opportunity to take advantage of the vast area from Presidential Threshold Removal to become presidential candidates in 2029 . But in this topic there is a new one that was interesting to explore after Presidential Threshold removal (MK Case No. 62/PUU-XXII/2024), whether this ruling will open wider opportunities for political figures in the regional area, other than the Governors, Regents or Mayors, for example all of the senators  as the members of the Senate (Dewan Perwakilan Derah-DPD)? 

What the kind of relation between Presidential Threshold Removal and the existence of the DPD?. According to the Constitution, the DPD is one of the political branches aside The House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat-DPR) and the President. Even though the DPD and the DPR  are not equal, but members of the DPD elected by the people in the provinces and the area of election is wider than that of the members of the DPR.  The DPD  existed to represent the interests of provincial regions and those provincial regions are divided into regencies and municipalities as  determined by the constitution. The power of the DPD is limited only to build communication and recommendation  with DPR and President  in the oversight process, participating of discussion  of the bills and submitting bills (article 22D UUD 1945 – Indonesian Constitution).

Why does this writing emphasize  to the senators, because they  work independently. They do not depend on political party policy, because the members of the DPD, are not created  by the constitution  for political party movement. The members of the DPD (Senator) are elected by the people from any province, but the DPD, in the relation to the President and the DPR , has a very wide political work area such as the President, the entire state from Sabang to Merauke, Miangas to Rote Island. This wide range work area counted bigger than the Governor which is limited to only the province. It means that Senators,  mainly the Chairman of the DPD, will get bigger opportunity than the Governors and the  Regents to meet many people in all of the provincial regions in Indonesia.

But the question,  since DPD was established approximately two decades ago, why we haven’t seen a single Senator step up to run for President? To be honest, I could not identify the definite factor, at least, one of the factors easily to read that  none of them truly wish to be presidential candidate. Why’s that happening? due to their mental state/preposition of mind or subconscious mind, they were “trembling”  even in despair at the  requirement of  presidential threshold. So that is one of  factors either,  why the huge echoing of the struggle of regional representatives, for the people of Indonesia has not yet been felt. 

Therefore, the notion to be one of the presidential candidates is not forbidden for Senators, because personal drive and ambition to be President Candidate automatically would gain spirit to fulfill the regional interest of the people of Indonesia. This is the law of nature, if you think of your destiny, automatically and  indirectly you will think of your nation’s destiny, because your destiny will not depend on the government’s  compassion, because your destiny eventually will determine   the nation’s destiny. Your own path will influence the collective fate of your country. Selfism is altruism.

The Chairmen of The DPD. From left to right : GKR Hemas, Sultan Bachtiar Najamuddin & Yorrys Raweyai. (Source : rm.id Foto : Istimewa)

DPD is a Charming Institution

So, is the Presidential Threshold removal create a broad chance for every Senators? Certainly, it is. Especially, the Chairman of the DPD, Sultan Bachtiar Najamuddin will turn to 50 years old in 2029 and as long as during his office, he  strives to establish effective and strong  communication with  the DPR and the President to ensure that the diversity of regional interests of Indonesia is  represented. He is going to be one of the politicians that might be counted as a presidential candidate.

The DPD  is a “charming institution” in the constitutional governance due to its ability to interact and communicate with the President and the DPR. This communication holds the power of constitutionally binding, about widespread and huge interest from all of the regional across Indonesia. Regional interests, are not only about local government but also broader governance at the regional level aimed at delivering welfare and wealthiness for the people, that is many stakeholders local to global would be involved in regional governance in order to fulfill their interest in the market.

Regional governance is not talk  about only the value of 3000 trillion Rupiah of  state budget (APBN) with the DPR and the President but actually  talks about the market cap of the companies that are listed in the capital market of Indonesia amounting to approximately 13.000 trillion Rupiah and continues to expand.  Regional governance also talks about the Gross Domestic Product  of Indonesia which is sevenfold greater  than APBN (more than 21.000 trillion Rupiah).  We have not counted the value of the worth  of the natural resources that have been either unmanaged or effectively managed.  As we know, all this value of the worth is embedded in all the regional areas in which the DPD plays a role as representatives in the policymaking of the national economy with President and the DPR.  The constitution stipulates that the bills could be submitted, overseen and participated in discussion with the DPR and the President by the DPD,  including about  “…management of natural resources and other economic resources..” (article 22D UUD 1945).

So what does it mean? slide to the  next part..

Thank You

Jakarta, January 20,2025

Featured Photo, Source : Biro Humas Setjen Kemenhan RI

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