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Part 8: Presidential Threshold Removal, “A Toll-Free Route for Gibran Rakabuming Raka

Presidential Threshold Removal – Part 8
A Toll-Free Route for Gibran Rakabuming Raka

by A. Irmanputra Sidin PhD in Constitutional Law/ Constitutional Lawyer

Following the Constitutional Court’s ruling to to get rid the Presidential Threshold, which I had explained in the previous parts, it means that all political parties as long as they are participating in the relevant election, may propose a pair of Presidential Candidates. But it does not mean that, as easily as what we will imagined, that all political parties will just jump in and fight for votes by proposing presidential candidates.

Many are familiar with the “coattail effect” which is the phenomenon of a popular presidential candidate or political party leader being able to attract votes for other candidates in his or her party in legislative elections. But it does not happen automatically, and moreover not all political parties chairpersons are popular, not because the chairpersons do not know how to build popularity or have failed to build popularity but because the essence of a political party’s chairpersons is to build and manage a political party from the inside body of political parties. All the political parties chairpersons should make their political parties become stronger and rooted in the folks. The chairpersons often play a background role, so that is why not all political parties chairpersons will automatically be destined to become a presidential candidate.

As I depict in the part two, there were five pairs of presidential candidates in the election of 2004 and three pairs of candidates in the election of 2009, but Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was still the winner of the election, because Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was still popular and still had high electability at that time. But the pressing question is whether the removal of the Presidential Threshold has impacted to the many political figures and whether they will compete to raise their popularity and electability for the upcoming election?

The answer is, actually the removal does not directly impact, but rather serves as a mental motivation for their minds or as a psychological drive, since all the political parties will present them with opportunities. Unlike in the past, their sole choice was to rely on the big political parties that won seats in the House (DPR) in the previous election. Now all the public figures, will get many bikes to ride at the presidential election, they might also utilize newly formed political parties that will qualify to be registered as participants in the general election in the relevant election.

So many political figures would get the opportunity to be presidential candidates, one of them is Gibran Rakabuming Raka. As a Vice President, he will automatically get so many exposures in his duty as a representative of the President. In Article 4 of the Indonesian Constitution UUD 1945, it is described that in exercising the President’s duties, the President shall be assisted by a Vice-President. This article is not connected directly with the Presidential Threshold but whoever takes in office as a Vice President would get gain exposure in their duties to assist the President during his term . The phrase of “exposure” in the daily life of the vice president will be related to Presidential Threshold Removal.

The strength of Gibran Rakabuming Raka lies not only his exposure as a Vice President, but also in his resemblance to his father President Jokowi in terms of personality. The personal type of President Jokowi is really the “magic essence” that explain why he was elected as a President in two period consecutive terms.

Source: Dok. Biro Pers Setpres

After I had read many books, which are not related to legal and political literature and I discovered the essence of knowledge and science about life and human relations. It was giving me inspiring knowledge, and then I was synthesizing that knowledge in the human relation of politics and constitutional governance, so I could meet the explanation of why President Jokowi is very popular until his offce ends, and he is a phenomenon, a remarkable figure. So this popularity will affect to Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who has a resemblance in personality type to his father, He is an heir to his father’s fame and all personality types like that make most citizens even human beings would impressed and loved in the context of human relations and will shift to the political context itself.

Source: Kompas.com

Being mindful, politics and constitutional governance mostly depend on the type of human relationships you build. So if the question appears about whether the Presidential Election removed by the Constitutional Court would stop Jokowi/Gibran’s effect in the 2029 election? It does not look like either, because this Court’s ruling, that the nomination of presidential tickets is a constitutional right for all political parties participating in the relevant election. Even, the court has threatened to the political parties that are participating in the legislative election that do not propose a presidential ticket shall be barred in the next election.

Popularity and electability escalation from Gibran in five years (2024-2029), automatically becomes a “political magnet” for 2029. Political parties will be attracted to propose him as a presidential candidate because political parties do not easily will ignore Gibran as a Vice President incumbent and political figure who will gain high electability. Meanwhile at the same time, some of political parties would be fail to create cadres for presidential candidates.

So it means, with exposure as a Vice President in five years, even though not a single of the major political parties will succeeded in making him as the political party chairperson, political parties will still be attracted to propose him as a presidential candidate. So with this Court’s ruling, has lifting bargaining position Gibran Rakabuming Raka towards all political parties especially major political parties. Gibran Rakabuming Raka is one of the most potential person to be Presidential Candidate as long as nothing happened during his presidency.

Undoubtedly, aside Gibran Rakabuming Raka, there are numerous figures who will meet the opportunity to take advantage of the vast area from Presidential Threshold Removal to become presidential candidates in 2029 . But Gibran so impressive at this time, because the greater the public opposition he faces, the more his visibility will increase.

Thank You
Jakarta January, 18, 2025
#irmanputrasidin #gibranrakabumingraka #presidentialthresholdremoval

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