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Part 10: Presidential Threshold Removal: “The Rise of Senators”


Presidential Threshold Removal – Part 10
“The Rise of Senators”

by A. Irmanputra Sidin PhD in Constitutional Law/ Constitutional Lawyer

As I noted in the part 9, Regional governance is not talk  about only the value of 3000 trillion Rupiah of  APBN with the DPR and the President but actually talk about the market cap of the companies that are listed in the capital market of Indonesia amounting to approximately 13.000 trillion Rupiah and continues to expand.  Regional governance also talks about the Gross Domestic Product of Indonesia which is sevenfold greater than APBN (more than 21.000 trillion Rupiah).  We have not counted the value of the worth  of the natural resources that have been either unmanaged or effectively managed. As we know, all this value of the worth is embedded in all the regional areas in which the DPD plays a role as representatives in the policymaking of the national economy with President and the DPR. The constitution stipulates that the bills could be submitted, overseen and participated in discussion with the DPR and the President by the DPD,  including about  “…management of natural resources and other economic resources..” (article 22D UUD 1945).

It means that all the market value is the source of the wealthiness for all citizens of Indonesia that can be utilized by them, reinvested and  expanded again, to enhance  their wealth and welfare. So that is why, politics is not just about political power but also about wealthiness, welfare and civilization. As long as Senator could echoing it, most citizens will take notice of  Senator, they cannot be stuck only in the conversation room about APBN, it  is just a tiny piece of the total our market values which sourced from all the regional areas   of Indonesia and where is the Dpd  holds the role as a representative.

Source: liputan.co.id

Sultan Bahtiar Najamuddin as a Chairman of the DPD  as long as capable to utilize the regional space to communicate with the President and the DPR, automatically will enhance his leadership, popularity even electability. He would get a big opportunity to be the presidential candidate because all the elements not only individual or collective people but also corporations  and mostly, “the market” will feel their goals represented by the DPD. 

Whatever, right now, “the market” is civilization, “the market” is the place people will find the welfare, the wealth and the civilization even the happiness. We have to stop of the nuances that “Mr State” and “Mr Market” are the two elements hostile to each other, because if we do not stop, “Mr State” slow but sure will be surrender.  It seems that, without being fully aware, all this time it has happened, as an answer of the question of why in every election many members of the DPD come from political parties, not only about political power, but the hidden potential of the DPD as an institution to stimulate welfare, wealthiness and happiness for  the people, and they realized that many market interests likely being involved.

The authority of the DPD actually holds a role of control over  the President and the DPR despite not having equal power.  The DPD  encompasses of huge and massive regional  interest which is not easily  communicated by political parties at the DPR, because all the members of the DPR depend on their political parties policy.  So,  the DPD is made up  of members who work independently,  so their ability to initiate, constructively  and creatively  to utilize their power can stimulate the regional figures will shift  as national leaders. 

These days, Robert F Kennedy Jr (RFK)  is a senator of the US Senate, who is very popular, and had run as a presidential candidate, even though finally he asked his supporters to back Republican nominee Donald Trump and now Donald Trump is elected as President in 2024. Donald Trump  had picked him to be Department of Health and Human Services Secretary in his second cabinet. Why does RFK Jr in public eye?, not because the power of the US Senate is equal with  The House or RFK is still member of the family John F Kennedy, but RFK Jr has succeeded in utilizing his power effectively and constructively with communication that is  well  delivered to all stakeholders.

The Manner of Speaking

Effective political leadership shall not to  build a style of communication “talk explosively” “talk intimidatingly” or even “talk rudely”, loudly and aggressively” when meeting with the members of the cabinet or other stakeholders. Those manner of speaking   only impact making. “click-bait” that probably just makes popular but ineffective to make a politician be a national leader, only made “news lead” not being a leader. 

This parliament’s manner of speaking  is part of the history at the beginning of the emergence of representative history.  Parliament had faced the absolute power, even tyranny as an autocratic form of rule in which one individual exercised power without any legal restraint. Parliament was born from people’s anger or the collective outrage over absolute power and tyranny. This atmosphere of anger continues to be imprinted in the face of the parliament until now, so that the manner of speaking in parliament is awakened as if it must be with anger, speaking aggressively, intimidatingly, loudly even rudely to the government or other stakeholders if the parliament meet with them.

But after the parliament was born  as a people representatives,  the outrage of the people slowly faded. In the meantime people found their living and it was  no longer the King who was the only determinant of  people’s lives but  rather people’s creativity and innovation to fulfill their  needs from each other and that caused the market was born and growing up.

How has the market been affected ? And what is the relation with the manner of speaking?

To be continue.. 

Thank You.… 

*Featured Photo, Source : liputan.co.id*



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